Friday, January 7, 2011

Increasing the strength of Supervisors

Dear Members!

The representation on "Increasing the strength of Supervisorsaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.



The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: Increasing the strength of Supervisors - Regarding.


At present the strength of Supervisors is being maintained at 8% of the strength of Section Officers.  In view of the merger of the cadres of Section Officers and Assistant Audit Officers, we are requesting the Comptroller and Auditor General of India to re-work the percentage and increase it to 20% of the merged cadre (now re-designated as Assistant Audit Officer).

We are also requesting the Comptroller and Auditor General of India to re-designate the Supervisor as Section Officer and grant further promotion up to Senior Audit Officer.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(General Secretary)

Placement in the Grade Pay under the MACPS

Dear Members!

The representation on "Placement in the Grade Pay under the MACPSaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.



The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: – Placement in the Grade Pay under the MACPS – Regarding.


Under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) Financial up gradation is being awarded to the next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised Pay Band and not to the promotional hierarchy (as it was earlier).  But, the career progression only means the promotion in the hierarchy and not to a Grade Pay which is not present in the hierarchy of the respective department.

Hence, under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) the placement in the Grade Pay should be the Grade Pay of the next promotional post instead of the next higher Grade Pay in the hierarchy of revised Pay Band.

The Civil Audit Association, Hyderabad unit urges upon the Comptroller and Auditor General of India to intervene personally and convey our demand to the Government of India to resolve this gross anomaly at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(General Secretary)

Recruitment policy

Dear Members!

The representation on "Recruitment policyaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.



The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: – Recruitment policy – Regarding.


I am directed to bring the following few lines for your kind consideration and early favourable orders.

These days the majority of the candidates appointed to Office of the Principal Accountant General (CA) through direct recruitment in the cadres of DEOs / Auditors / AAOs do not belong to this State.

You are aware of the fact that the cadre of DEOs / Auditors / AAOs in IA&AD Department is in the lower steps of the hierarchical ladder.  This means, the DEOs / Auditors / AAOs in IA&AD department have to communicate very frequently with the natives either in the duty of field or headquarters.  Though, the official communication and work is done in either English or Hindi, the verbal communication between peers and staff of auditee organisations would be definitely in the native language.  Further, as most of the basic records maintained by the local bodies and state government departments are in native language, the knowledge of native language becomes all the more important when the Auditors / AAOs are in field duty.

In view of these facts, the officials without the knowledge of the native language will face difficulty in communicating with the native officials and vice versa.  This hampers the efficiency of their performance, which would not be beneficial either to the department or the official.

The problem can be brushed aside by arguing that the newly recruited non-local officials can be trained in the native languages.  However, the past experience indicates that the trainings provided are never enough for free and smooth communication between a native and non-native person and it takes years to cope up with this problem.

There is also another aspect in this issue.  The first few years of the service of the newly recruited non-local officials are consumed in getting a deputation or a mutual transfer to their native or a near by State.  A few officials may also be putting in efforts to get a suitable job in their native or near by State through other competitive examinations.  Thus, a situation arises, where in, it can be said that the cadre strength has increased but without much improvement to the working of the department.

There is also much bigger social and political angle involved in this issue.  The recent trends across the country and particularly in Andhra Pradesh are indicating that there is decrease in the levels of tolerance with increase in the percentage of population of non-locals leading to several agitations and movements.  Though, as an organization the Comptroller and Auditor General of India may not have critical role in this aspect, but every drop of water adds to the mounting tension in the reservoir after full reservoir level.

Therefore, we request the Comptroller and Auditor General of India to adapt a policy of allotting newly recruited candidates to their own / nearby states and also adapt a policy of allowing transfers (transfer of non-local employees to their own / nearby states) within the Department just before recruitments.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(General Secretary)

Implementation of transfer policy

Dear Members!

The representation on "Implementation of transfer policyaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.


The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: – Implementation of transfer policy - Request – Reg.

Many officers (SAOs/AOs/AAOs/Ars) in the offices of the Principal Accountant General (CA) and the Accountant General (C&RA), Hyderabad are continuing in the same section or same seat for quite a long time and some persons are even continuing since their appointment irrespective of their promotions.
Many a times this Association tried its best to bring the issue of implementation of transfer policy to the consideration of local Administration but in vain. Whenever this Association raises this issue only very few persons of lower cadres are being transferred. But, the true spirit of the policy can only be attained when the policy is implemented in all the cadres, particularly in higher cadres. We cannot be restricted not to demand the transfer of non-members of this Association as our members are not working in isolation.
Due to this long standing, the persons occupying these positions have developed prejudices against many and they are also not able to do things differently / innovatively.  How efficient the person may be, in a dynamic organization like ours, continuance of same persons in same position for decades together works as antithesis to dynamism and any amount of administrative difficulties may not justify such stagnant positions. These stagnant positions are being continued under the guise of administrative convenience / discretion at the cost of organizational objectives.
An impartial and just transfer policy improves versatility of an employee, increases job satisfaction of an employee, improves employee’s morale, reduces employee’s monotony, minimizes corruption and corrects inter-personal conflicts and helps the organization to achieve its objectives.
Therefore, we are requesting you to take necessary action to implement the transfer policy in our Office in its true spirit.

Yours faithfully,
(General Secretary)

Filling up of vacancies

Dear Members!

The representation on "Filling up of vacanciesaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.


The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.


Sub: Filling up of vacancies–Request–Regarding.

I am directed to bring the following few lines for your kind consideration and early sympathetic action.
The staff position in the cadres of Sr.Ar./Ar./Steno/DEO/Clerk/Group-D in the Office of the Principal Accountant General (Civil Audit), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is as follows, against which the men-in-position indicated is very less.
Sanctioned Strength
Men - in - Position
Vacancy %
Sr.Auditor / Auditor

As can be seen from the above, there are large number of vacancies in all the cadres. However, the arrears in work are not being exhibited alarmingly.  The Administration is exerting undue pressure on the existing staff so as to keep the ball rolling.  The routine and redundant work has not been streamlined and is further increasing the workload.  This undue pressure is having a negative effect on the physical health and quality of performance of the staff.
The existing Senior Auditors / Auditors are being denied an opportunity of field duties due to inadequate staff position.
Therefore, I am directed to request you to stop downsizing of the staff, arrange to fill up all the vacancies and also streamline the redundant work at the earliest so as to improve the quality of work and morale of the staff in the Office.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(General Secretary)

Posting of Auditors / Sr.Auditors in all the field parties

Dear Members!

The representation on "Posting of Auditors / Sr.Auditors in all the field partiesaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.


The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: – Posting of Auditors / Sr.Auditors in all the field parties - Request – Regarding.


I am directed to bring the following issue for your kind notice for an early redressal of our grievance and necessary action.

Most of the field parties in this Office are being operated without an Auditor / Sr.Auditor in it and the duties of Auditors / Sr.Auditors are being discharged by Assistant Audit Officers in the party.  Traditionally the composition of field party used to be consisting of one Audit Officer / Sr.Audit Officer, two Assistant Audit Officers / Section Officers and one or two Auditors / Sr.Auditors.  Of late, many field parties do not have Auditors / Sr.Auditors. 

As against the sanctioned strength of 815, the men-in-position in the cadre of Auditors / Sr.Auditors is only 391 indicating acute shortage of Auditors / Sr.Auditors.  Among the existing Auditors / Sr.Auditors 96% are posted in headquarters duty and only 4% are being sent on field duty on a selective basis based on Roster.  If lack of adequate staff is a hindrance to posting Auditors / Sr.Auditors on field duty, the issue of filling up of vacancies should be taken up immediately.  But inadequate staff cannot deny an Auditor / Sr.Auditor of an opportunity of getting exposed to field duties, who already suffer because of limited scope of field duty. 

As per the system in vogue 80% of Audit personnel are supposed to be on field duty and 20% have to be in headquarters office.  Though vacancies exist even in the cadre of Assistant Audit Officers also, this composition of 80:20 ratio is more or less being maintained albeit with marginal variance.  But, in the case of Auditors  / Sr.Auditors this principle is given a large-scale departure and around 8% Auditors / Sr.Auditors are being sent on field duties.  This situation had led to lot of heartburn and gave rise to feeling of discrimination among Auditors / Sr.Auditors.

Thus, the presence of Auditors / Sr.Auditors is being nearly fully compromised in field duty, which is the primary function of Audit where as the compromisation levels in the supporting sections like Headquarter / Co-ordination sections is too low. As a result, the Assistant Audit Officers are being forced to perform the duties of Auditors / Sr.Auditors, which in turn burdens the Audit Officers / Sr.Audit Officers, which results in reduction of quality of Inspection Reports / Audit Reports.
Therefore, I request the honorable Comptroller and Auditor General of India to arrange to post at least one Auditor / Sr.Auditor in all the field parties.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(General Secretary)

Restoration of independent audit by Auditors / Sr.Auditors in LBA&A

Dear Members!

The representation on "Independent audit by Auditors / Sr.Auditors in LBA&Aaddressed to the CAG of India during his visit to Hyderabad is posted here for the information of members please.

Yours Rahul.


The Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: Restoration of independent audit by Auditors / Sr.Auditors in Office of the Local Bodies Audit and Accounts, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh – Request – Regarding.


I am directed to bring the following few lines for your kind consideration and necessary action.

Ever since Office of the Local Bodies Audit and Accounts was formed in this State, the Auditors / Sr.Auditors were being sent independently for the audit of Gram Panchayats.  However, without assigning any reason, the policy of sending Auditors / Sr.Auditors independently to Gram Panchayat Audit had been modified and team audit was introduced. The volume of transactions and expenditure incurred in Gram Panchayats are less / meager and does not justify deployment of a full fledged audit party.  Due to operation of full party for audit of Gram Panchayats, the strength of Auditors / Sr.Auditors got reduced from 36 to 18.  This sudden revision of the policy diminished the opportunities of Auditors / Sr.Auditors in this Office, who already suffer from lack of opportunities in conducting field audits.
There is no point to hesitate to send Auditors / Sr.Auditors, who have been selected through examination, independently to Gram Panchayat Audit.  I assure you that the Auditors / Sr.Auditors selected to LBAA through examination have enough potential to Audit the Gram Panchayats independently.
Therefore, we request you to take necessary action to restore the previous system of independent audit by Auditors / Sr.Auditors as laid down in the C&AG’s guidelines and to operate the entire sanctioned strength i.e. 45 Auditors / Sr.Auditors in the Office of the Local Bodies Audit and Accounts at the earliest to yield fruitful results.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(General Secretary)